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Response to water taste and water clarity issues

Two water quality concerns related to aesthetics have been reported.   These two aesthetic concerns are temporary, separate and not related in any way.

The first is that water in the South area of the City has been described as “mossy” or “earthy” in flavor recently. The water is safe to drink. We want to let our customers know that the taste can be affected by lower water levels in the Sacramento and American rivers and higher water temperatures.

This causes naturally occurring bacteria that affect the taste of the water, but pose no health risk.  This happens around this time of year when it’s hot and dry. As temperatures start to cool, the taste and odor issue will eventually disappear.  To alleviate the earthy taste, the City’s water quality superintendent recommends adding lemon to the water  or placing tap water in the refrigerator to cool it down.

The second is related to a report from a citizen in the Pocket area who observed particles in the water. This is not uncommon when construction is taking place nearby. During construction, pipes can be disturbed and this can cause dislodging of particles from the pipe surface. This also poses no health risk.  The City recommends flushing cold water lines until the water runs clear again.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call 311.

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