City Hall celebrates Persian holiday Norooz with a ‘haft-sin’ in lobby

Norooz, or “new day” in Persian, is an ancient celebration that marks the end of winter and the arrival of spring.

Coinciding with the vernal equinox, it signifies rebirth, new beginnings and hope for all.

To acknowledge the holiday,  a traditional Persian table setting known as a haft-sin was displayed in the City Hall lobby on March 21.

The ceremonial table traditionally consists of seven different items that begin with the “s” sound in Persian. Each item represents a quality specific to spring and renewal.

Norooz is celebrated by hundreds of millions people all over the world. Cities across America, U.S. Congress and the White House all have recognized the cultural and historical significance of the holiday.

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This past week, the City Council recognized Sacramento’s Persian community and the cultural significance of Norooz with the following resolution:

Honoring and Recognizing the Historical and Cultural Significance of Norooz in Sacramento

WHEREAS, Norooz marks the traditional Iranian New Year, which has been celebrated for more than 3,000 years and dates back to ancient Persia; and

WHEREAS, Norooz, or “New Day”, marks the arrival of spring and is celebrated on the vernal equinox; and

WHEREAS, Norooz symbolizes a time of renewal and community, it harkens the departure from the trials and tribulations of the previous year and brings hope for the New Year; and

WHEREAS, Norooz is celebrated by hundreds of millions of Iranians and other peoples all over the world, including as Novruz in Azerbaijan, Navruz in Uzbekistan, and Nowruz in Afghanistan, as well as in the United States and other countries in Central Asia, South Asia, Caucasus, Crimea, and Balkan Regions; and

WHEREAS, Iranian Americans of all backgrounds celebrate Norooz, including those with Baha’i, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Zoroastrian, and nonreligious backgrounds; and

WHEREAS, Cities across America, U.S. Congress and the White House have celebrated and recognized the cultural and historical significance of Norooz; and

WHEREAS, Persian civilization has contributed greatly to the world and the Iranian-American community has made a profound impact on the social and economic fabric of the United States;

WHEREAS, Iranian Americans continue to make positive contributions in all sectors of American public life;

WHEREAS, Norooz brings hope for the New Year, symbolizes a time of renewal and community, and signifies a departure from the trials and tribulations of the previous year; and

WHEREAS, Norooz connects the Persian New Year to the values of human rights and embodies the ideal of compassion for our fellow human beings regardless of ethnicity or religion; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the City of Sacramento that we do hereby recognize and celebrate the historic and cultural significance of Norooz and wish all the people who observe this holiday a happy and prosperous Norooz.

ISSUED:  This 12th Day of March 2019

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