Sacramento youth: Submit your art to tell the City how you would shape the future of parks and recreation programs

Calling Sacramento young people: The City wants to hear your stories and experiences with parks and recreation programs through photos, artwork, music, performances and videos.

As part of the City of Sacramento’s Parks Master Plan 2040, the Youth, Parks, and Community Enrichment (YPCE) Department is launching the “Youth Art Expo and Contest: Your Parks, Your Future!

“Youth voices will play a critical role in how we plan for the next 20 years of park improvements,” said Park Planning and Development Manager Raymond Costantino. “We want to know what you love about Youth, Parks, & Community Enrichment programs – and what needs improvement – through your artistic expressions.”

The contest encourages Sacramento youth to share stories about their experience with parks and recreation programs in their neighborhoods and communities through photos, artwork, music, performances and videos. The contest has a total of $1,500 in available prizes with multiple winners in each age group.

Participants must be between the ages of 14 and 24. The contest deadline is July 16.

The contest submissions will be used as part of the City’s Parks Master Plan 2040, which will guide youth development programs and services, community events, enrichment programs and park development over the next 20 years.

In addition to promoting the Youth Art Expo and Contest, City staff will host meetings geared toward discovering youth perspectives on what is working well and what is not working well with parks and recreation programming in Sacramento.

To learn more and enter the art contest, visit


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