Two people walking hand in hand on a path surrounded by trees in Sacramento.

New City community plan better supports increasing population of older adults in Sacramento

The Sacramento City Council this week approved the newly developed Age Friendly Community Action Plan to help plan for the needs of older adults in the Sacramento community.

Matching national trends, Sacramento is experiencing a demographic shift towards an older population. Between 2010 and 2019, the percentage of Sacramento’s 65 and older population increased from 10.5 percent to 13.1 percent.

In an effort to plan for supportive communities for this population, the City in 2019 joined the Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities. This network includes communities committed to creating places that are supportive of residents of all ages.

“There are disparities in neighborhoods where elders live; that is why the plan is so important,” said Councilmember Mai Vang. “What is good for our elders is also good for the entire community.”

The plan highlights seven areas of priorities:

  • Outdoor Spaces and Buildings — Increase accessible, welcoming buildings, and public spaces within the city.
  • Transportation — Provide safer, accessible, and convenient transportation options for older adults.
  • Housing — Increase the availability of housing options and programs that support the choice to age in place and the evolving needs of older adults.
  • Respect, Inclusion and Social Participation — Expand opportunities that are inclusive and welcoming for older adults in recreation, education, entertainment, work, and volunteering.
  • Work and Civic Engagement — Increase opportunities for work, volunteering, and civic engagement that allow older adults to share their knowledge, experience, and ideas.
  • Communication and Information — Ensure communication across a variety of accessible channels and media is presented in an accessible and readable format.
  • Community and Health Services — Expand access to resources that support the health needs and wellness of older adults.

The City performed community outreach for this project as part of the 2040 General Plan update that involved stakeholder interviews, citywide workshops, pop-up events, listening sessions, and numerous other public participation opportunities.

“It was important for us to work closely with our community members and City staff to ensure the actions proposed in this plan would be feasible, and represent the priorities of our community,” said Associate Planner Andrea Villarroel. “This means having walkable streets, housing and transportation options, access to key services and opportunities for residents at all life stages to participate in community activities.”

Now that the action plan has been adopted, the City will enter into a three-year implementation phase. Progress will be documented in the City’s annual progress reports for both the housing element and general plan.

For more information visit the Age Friendly Communities page online.

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